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You're on the right page if you're interested in staying in the loop about aging.
There are numerous sites that have bearing on the purpose of Men’s Sheds, aging, retirement and the need to continue to be of value to yourself and your community.
Sharing Stories of Men's Sheds and the Impact They are Having.
Encouraging seniors to live in the moment
Time is finite, so don’t waste it. Talk to people, do stuff, embrace life.
A link to the Shed that started it all in Canada.
A link to the Australian Men's Shed Association
A link to the Men's Shed in Vernon, BC.
A brief history of a British company that recognized the value of its aging workers.
A link to the Men's Shed UK site
A link to the US Men's Shed site.
A brief synopsis by Dave Steventon about accomodations and the rational behind the creation of Men's Sheds.
The Powerpoint of Dave Steventon and Johns presentation to